Magical Adventures with Abi Elphinstone
From living with the Kazakh Eagle Hunters in Mongolia to conjuring up secret kingdoms in her writing shed, Abi Elphinstone talks about the real-life adventures and accidental daydreams behind her books and shows you how easy it is to leap into stories of your own. Her latest book, The Crackledawn Dragon, whisks you away on a voyage across a magical sea kingdom which empowers you to battle climate change and fight to save your own world in the process.
This event was created especially for our Baillie Gifford Schools Gala Day and filmed live at the 2021 Edinburgh International Book Festival. It’s also enjoyable for children and families to watch.
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Yvette Fielding: Who You Gonna Call? Ghosthunters!
Mystery on the Tracks with M G Leonard & Sam Sedgman
Debi Gliori: A Man's Best Furry Friend
Chris Hoy at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Illustrate your Feelings with Dunja Jogan
Celebrating Difference with George Webster
Charms and Curses with Elle McNicoll
Francesca Simon at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Time Travelling with Patience Agbabi & Ben Miller
Frances Hardinge: Unravelling Stories