Become a Benefactor

Our Benefactors are a special group of behind-the-scenes heroes of our story. Deeply passionate about our Festival, they choose to lend particularly generous support. Thanks to them:
  • we’ve brought thousands of international authors to the Book Festival, ensuring that our programme represents diverse voices from all over the world;
  • we created our experimental Playing With Books series, which sees actors and musicians bring books to life on the stage;
  • we were able to give free books to 3,000 school children attending an event in a satellite book festival held in Glenrothes, Fife;
  • we were able to make improvements to the physical accessibility of our old site in Charlotte Square Gardens, making it more welcoming to disabled visitors.
In return our Benefactors enjoy a close and collaborative relationship with the Book Festival and receive a range of benefits by way of acknowledgement, among them Advance Booking for unlimited events and reserved seating, plus invitations to exclusive events. These include: the Directors’ Preview before the official launch of the programme, our Opening Night party, a special Benefactor reception during August.

We would like to thank all our current Benefactors for their continued support:

James & Morag Anderson  ·  Fiona Baird  ·  Geoff & Mary Ball  ·  Sir Ewan & Lady Brown  ·  Richard & Catherine Burns  ·  Christine Christian  ·  Gregor & Lexy Clark  ·  Alison & Jo Elliot  ·  Kate & Gavin Gemmell  ·  Chris Grace Hartness  ·  Eimear Keenan  ·  Sarah Keir & Rachel Edgar  ·  Sir Alexander & Lady McCall Smith  ·  Fiona McFarlane ·  Fiona & Nigel Morecroft  · Alasdair Morton  · Siobhan Nairn  ·  Jane & Bernard Nelson  ·  Charles & Ruth Plowden  ·  Ponder & See Travelling Fellowships  ·  Sir Ian Rankin & Ms Miranda Harvey  ·  Brenda Rennie  ·  Dame Susan Rice  ·  Lord Ross  ·  Jonathan Rozoff  ·  Prof Ann Smyth  ·  Vincent Talbert  ·  The Thomas Family  ·  The T.S. Eliot Foundation  ·  William Zachs & Martin Adam 

Thanks also to all those who wish to remain anonymous

For a minimum annual contribution of £2,000 (or from £167 per monthly direct debit), you can become a part of this very special group and help us write the next chapter in the story of the Edinburgh International Book Festival.



If you would like to discuss becoming a Benefactor, please email our Head of Development, Helen Chomczuk to arrange a chat.