In a unique, magical event, virtuoso percussionist Evelyn Glennie appears with award-winning poet Raymond Antrobus to share extraordinary new work they’ve been creating together. Conversation blends with musical performance as Glennie improvises to Antrobus’ readings. His work has resonated with audiences worldwide, touching on themes of identity and d/Deafness, while Glennie has won over 80 international awards. An evening to remember from two spellbinding artists of rare talent. Chaired by Simone Seales.
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Jeanne Marie Laskas talks to DeRay Mckesson at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Bonnie Greer (2014 event)
R F Kuang & Samantha Shannon: The Future of Fantasy
Rachel Reeves at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Karl Ove Knausgård: Written in the Stars
Steve Brusatte & Thomas Halliday: The Paleo-Adventurers
The Evolution of Young Adult Literature
Writing Wrongs: Voices from the Queer Arab Vanguard
Jack Monroe: On Self-Care and Social Change
Stories & Scran