In a unique, magical event, virtuoso percussionist Evelyn Glennie appears with award-winning poet Raymond Antrobus to share extraordinary new work they’ve been creating together. Conversation blends with musical performance as Glennie improvises to Antrobus’ readings. His work has resonated with audiences worldwide, touching on themes of identity and d/Deafness, while Glennie has won over 80 international awards. An evening to remember from two spellbinding artists of rare talent. Chaired by Simone Seales.
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Interview - Amit Chaudhuri (2015)
Olga Ravn & Martin Aitken with Heather Parry
James Runcie: The Story of Bach's Masterpiece
The Force of Law
Should Capitalism Survive Climate Change?
Jonathan Freedland: The Man Who Escaped Auschwitz
Matt Haig (2017 Event)
Olivia Laing: In Search of Eden
Allan Little, Sheena McDonald & Gail Robinson at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Lucy Easthope & Gavin Francis: Coming Back to Ourselves After Disaster