James Kelman (2017 Event)
James Kelman, according to Alan Warner, ‘brings alive a human consciousness like no other writer can’. That’s true of his short stories as well as his novels, and is certainly true of his latest collection (his 13th) That Was a Shiver, and Other Stories. In this event filmed live at the 2017 Edinburgh International Book Festival, expect integrity and originality from the stage as well as on the page. Chaired by Brian Taylor.
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Ekow Eshun: Africa is a State of Mind
Amartya Sen: Home and Humanity
Alison Watt with Andrew O’Hagan: The Joy of Influence
Paul Mason at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Mohsin Hamid: What Does it Mean to Be White?
Playing with Books: The Yellow Door by Kathleen Jamie
Rachel Kushner: Postcards from America
Georgi Gospodinov: Time is Out to Get Us
John Burnside and Jon Kalman Stefansson (2015 Event)
Billy-Ray Belcourt & Mary Jean Chan: Words Will Set You Free