Michael Sandel (2012)
In his book, What Money Can't Buy, Michael Sandel examines one of the biggest ethical questions of our time: What is the proper role of markets, and how can we protect the moral and civic goods that markets do not honour and money cannot buy? Sandel is a professor at Harvard, delivering a massively popular course on justice. In 2010, China Newsweek named him the 'most influential foreign figure of the year' in China. His event at Edinburgh International Book Festival was one of our fastest selling events in 2012. This is an excerpt of that event, filmed live in August 2012.
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George Alagiah speaks to Allan Little at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Roy Hattersley at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Interview - Holly Baxter and Rhiannon Cosslett (2014)
James Birch: Six Degrees of Francis Bacon
Jura Unbound: Literary Death Match (2013 event)
Edwin Morgan: A Centenary Celebration of Scotland’s Great Poet
UNBOUND: Literary Death Match
Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie (2103 event)
Jeanne Marie Laskas talks to DeRay Mckesson at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Richard Coles (2015 Event)