Twice leader of the Green Party in England and Wales, and the Member of Parliament for Brighton Pavilion from 2010 until she steps down at the next general election, Caroline Lucas this year launches her second book Another England, which fights back against the hijacking of Englishness by the political right in its exploration of all that’s great in the country’s radical and cultural history. In conversation with Allan Little.
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Eileen Myles: 'They' Contain Multitudes
Polly Barton & Eley Williams: Words That Define Us
Katie Kitamura: Familiarity and Contempt
One Day Ticket
Rosemary Goring: Mary Stuart's Homecoming
Pat Barker: The Women of Troy
Lola Olufemi & Minna Salami: Critical Reflections on Feminism
Caroline Moorehead: Mussolini’s Dangerous Daughter
Interview - Innu Poetry from the Canadian Tundra (2015)
Scottish Spoken Word Showcase