Fundraising Standards
We understand that funding is an area which is of growing interest to many. We are keen to help people understand both our complex funding environment, and the Edinburgh International Book Festival’s processes relating to fundraising and donations.
The Edinburgh International Book Festival receives financial and in-kind support from a number of sources. These range from individuals who generously make a charitable donation alongside their ticket purchase, to international organisations who believe in the power of words and stories to change lives. As public funding continues to decline significantly, their donations and contributions are ever more essential in enabling us to deliver as rich and accessible a Festival as possible, and we would not be able to achieve the wide range and high standard of events and activities we currently present, and for which we are known, without their continued support.
We take measures to ensure that organisations who support the Edinburgh International Book Festival are in alignment with our values. Each potential funder is carefully considered on their own merit, but we are clear that we would not accept donations where they directly originate from one of the following categories:
• Fossil Fuel Operators;
• Proceeds of Crime;
• Arms Manufacturers;
• Tobacco companies;
• Human rights violators;
• Modern slavery
Additionally, no sponsor has influence over the programming of the Festival, which lies exclusively with our in-house Programming team.
We are currently finalising an updated version of our Ethical Fundraising Policy, which will be shared here in coming months, so we can be as transparent as possible about our actions and processes in this area.
We welcome discussion around these important issues, and will share further documentation around this area in coming months. If you have any questions, please contact us on
- 2025 Festival:
- 9-24 August