You are a Story with Laura Dockrill
You are enough. You are interesting. Tell your story. Join YA Book Prize shortlisted author and Brit School Performing Arts graduate Laura Dockrill as she delivers a superb masterclass on how you can play with your imagination to find your voice and become a creative writing superstar. Through Laura’s guidance you will learn that the best writing comes when you speak your truth with your own voice. Expressing yourself honestly is one of the best ways to know yourself and grow to celebrate the exciting, creative, unique person you are.
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YA Book Prize Award Ceremony
Enter the Forest of Lost Things with David C Flanagan & Will Hughes
Jasbinder Bilan & Efua Traoré: Stories of Magic and Mythology
Kristina Stephenson: Bear Necessities at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Leigh Bargudo and Maureen Johnson (2014 event)
Benjamin Dean & Simon James Green: Who Wants the Spotlight?
Friend of Dragons with Cressida Cowell
Adventuremice! with Sarah McIntyre & Philip Reeve
Learning to Love Yourself with William Hussey and Amara Sage
Allen Fatimaharan & Hannah Lee: 99 Problems but a Beat Ain’t One