Words from the Wards: Sara Sheridan

  • Sun 11 Aug 18:15 - 19:15
  • EFI Venue C
  • Captioned
Attend in person
  • EFI Venue C
  • Free, book in advance
  • In-person tickets for this event are currently sold out. Please check for returns nearer the time.
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Words from the Wards: Sara Sheridan
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In spring 2024, we called for people from Edinburgh to submit stories about the former Royal Infirmary, to capture and honour the experiences and memories that people connect with the building's previous life. Join us as we bring together local people from across Edinburgh alongside special guest Sara Sheridan to perform their work and commemorate the building’s rich history.

Supported by Edinburgh Futures Institute

Categories: Free Events, Health/Wellbeing, History, Performance

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