Val McDermid: Meet Queen Macbeth

  • Fri 16 Aug 20:30 - 21:30
  • EFI Venue T
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  • EFI Venue T
  • £15.50 [concessions £13.50/£10.50]
  • In-person tickets for this event are currently sold out. Please check for returns nearer the time.
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Pay what you can to watch online. Available live, then on-demand until 23:59 on Tuesday 31 December.

Val McDermid: Meet Queen Macbeth

Bestselling author Val McDermid is widely recognised as Scotland’s ‘Queen of Crime’. In her latest book, she meets another queen: the real Lady Macbeth. Plunging into the dark world of medieval Scotland, Queen Macbeth is a tale of treachery, massacre, and ruthless ambition. McDermid will be joined by Steph McGovern to discuss the real character behind one of Shakespeare’s most memorable and charismatic villains.

Categories: Crime/Thriller, Fiction

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