Tracey Chevalier & Harriet Constable: The Floating City

  • Mon 19 Aug 10:30 - 11:30
  • EFI Venue T
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  • EFI Venue T
  • £15.50 [concessions £13.50/£10.50]
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Tracey Chevalier & Harriet Constable: The Floating City

What makes Venice such a rich subject for historical fiction? What untold stories does the city hold? Join Harriet Constable (with her debut The Instrumentalist) and Tracey Chevalier (with The Glassmaker, her 11th novel in a career including Girl with a Pearl Earring) as they talk to Lennie Goodings about each of their fascinating Venice novels: stories of defiant creative women, glass, and music.

Categories: Fiction, History, Music

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