Thomas Heatherwick: Design for Living

  • Tue 20 Aug 14:00 - 15:00
  • EFI Venue T
Attend in person
  • EFI Venue T
  • £15.50 [concessions £13.50/£10.50]
Thomas Heatherwick: Design for Living
The mantra ‘form follows function’ has ruled the design world for more than 100 years. But what if it misses out the most important thing of all: human emotion?
Fighting ‘an epidemic of boringness’, English designer Thomas Heatherwick, founder of Heatherwick Studio, demands that we put human emotion back at the heart of building design, to improve our health, restore our happiness, and save the planet. Drawing influence from neuroscience and cognitive psychology, Thomas has launched Humanise: A Maker’s Guide to Building Our World and a 10-year global campaign of the same name, encouraging all of us to call for an end boring, soulless buildings in our towns and cities.
In conversation with Tamsie Thomson, CEO of The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, Thomas reflects on 30 years of making bold, beautiful buildings, and celebrates when form meets function in beautiful and surprising ways.

Categories: Art/Design/Photography, Future Focus

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Future Tense

Future Tense is the foremost of our programme themes this year, bringing together a range of events and topics which offer the option of a truly different way of looking at things…