Shasta Ali, Leah Black & Vicky Nyanga-Ndiaye: Regenerative Futures

  • Tue 20 Aug 13:45 - 14:45
  • EFI Spiegeltent
Attend in person
  • EFI Spiegeltent
  • £15.50 [concessions £13.50/£10.50]
Shasta Ali, Leah Black & Vicky Nyanga-Ndiaye: Regenerative Futures

What needs to be in place to allow for transformational, long-term change in our communities? And who gets to imagine and act out this change? Join Leah Black from Edinburgh’s Regenerative Futures Fund alongside Shasta Ali (writer, poet, and antiracism campaigner) and Vicky Nyanga-Ndiaye (writer, poet and founder of Project Esperanza, the migrant support charity), to discuss the importance of collective imagination and why we need to shift away from short-term thinking. They speak with Mary Robson.

Categories: Nonfiction

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Future Tense

Future Tense is the foremost of our programme themes this year, bringing together a range of events and topics which offer the option of a truly different way of looking at things…