Samantha Harvey & Sarah Perry: To Earth with Love

  • Tue 13 Aug 15:30 - 16:30
  • EFI Spiegeltent
Attend in person
  • EFI Spiegeltent
  • £15.50 [concessions £13.50/£10.50]
Samantha Harvey & Sarah Perry: To Earth with Love

In Samantha Harvey’s Orbital, six astronauts gaze down on Earth, meditating on home as they keep circling it. Meanwhile, Sarah Perry’s Enlightenment traces 20 years between friends; heartsore, one of them finds solace gazing up at the night sky. Both meticulously researched, both deeply tender novels – the authors talk with Dan Richards about science, awe, and our place on this planet we call home.

Categories: Fiction, Religion, Science

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