Jonathan Watts: The Life and Legacy of James Lovelock

  • Sun 25 Aug 15:45 - 16:45
  • EFI Venue NW
Attend in person
  • EFI Venue NW
  • £15.50 [concessions £13.50/£10.50]
Jonathan Watts: The Life and Legacy of James Lovelock

What was it like to interview one of Britian’s greatest minds? Jonathan Watts, global environment editor at the Guardian, joins us to discuss the in-depth conversations he had with the late scientist and environmentalist James Lovelock. Renowned for his Gaia hypothesis (the idea that life on Earth is a self-sustaining system), The Many Lives of James Lovelock is the definitive biography of a brilliant and contradictory man. Join Jonathan as he discusses Lovelock's fascinating life with chair, Paul French.

Categories: Biography/Memoir, Environment/Nature, Philosophy

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