Jill Burke, Emma Dabiri & Moshtari Hilal: Beautiful Rebellion

  • Sat 17 Aug 13:30 - 14:30
  • EFI Spiegeltent
Attend in person
  • EFI Spiegeltent
  • £15.50 [concessions £13.50/£10.50]
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Jill Burke, Emma Dabiri & Moshtari Hilal: Beautiful Rebellion
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Who gets to decide what is considered beautiful? As beauty and conformity morph into one, it can be tempting to try to force our bodies into shapes they were never designed to fit. Today, authors Jill Burke (How to Be a Renaissance Woman), Emma Dabiri (Disobedient Bodies), and Moshtari Hilal (Ugliness) deconstruct harmful beauty standards and explore how we can reclaim and celebrate our gloriously rebellious forms. Chaired by Anahit Behrooz.

Supported by GENDER.ED

Categories: Nonfiction

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