Inside Out: Sky (Activity)

  • Sat 17 Aug 22:30 - 00:30
  • EFI Courtyard Meeting Point

Jacqueline Yallop is no longer able to appear in this event.

Attend in person
  • EFI Courtyard Meeting Point
  • £15.50 [concessions £13.50/£10.50]
Inside Out: Sky (Activity)
Jacqueline Yallop is no longer able to appear in this event. Jacqueline will still be participating in the Inside Out: Sky event earlier today. 

Join authors Annabel Abbs and Jacqueline Yallop, and guide Jen Isherwood, for a night-time walk through the streets of Edinburgh and the quiet pathways of Holyrood Park. We'll stroll from twilight into darkness, using all of our senses to experience what's around us, and spending portions of the walk in silence. 
20 places available. This activity should be suitable for anyone who hikes or walks regularly. There will be a qualified leader present, but participants must take responsibility for their own safety, dress appropriately, and carry whatever equipment they might expect to need. Please do not consume alcohol or drugs before joining this event. Please inform us if you have any mobility issues or a medical history that might require support.
Jen Isherwood has been an outdoor instructor for years, and as well as running First Aid Borders, is currently Director of Adventure at the Edinburgh Academy.
Look for the twinned ‘Inside Out: Sky event on Saturday 17 August where you can hear Annabel Abbs and Jacqueline Yallop discuss the wonder of the night as explored in their latest books.

Categories: Environment/Nature, Sport

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