Andrew O'Hagan: How the Mighty Have Fallen

  • Wed 21 Aug 20:30 - 21:30
  • EFI Venue T
  • Captioned
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  • EFI Venue T
  • £15.50 [concessions £13.50/£10.50]
  • In-person tickets for this event are currently sold out. Please check for returns nearer the time.
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Andrew O'Hagan: How the Mighty Have Fallen
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A celebrated London professor falls from grace in Andrew O’Hagan’s new novel, Caledonian Road. Immersive and Dickensian in ambition, it’s a brilliant state-of-the-nation novel about privilege and what’s really going on behind high society’s façade. As we’ve come to expect from the three-time Booker-nominated Mayflies author, O’Hagan tackles his material head on, writing with honesty, empathy, and breathtaking insight. Hear him in conversation with Andrew Marr.

Categories: Fiction

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