Global Ink: International Industry Day 2024

  • Wed 14 Aug 11:15 - 20:15
  • EFI Venue B
Attend in person
  • EFI Venue B
  • Day Pass £40.00 [concession £25]
Global Ink: International Industry Day 2024

Global Ink: Edinburgh International Book Festival's International Industry Day brings together professionals from across the book trade from Scotland, the UK, and beyond. Join literary festivals, publishers, translators, authors, and more, all dedicated to the spirit of internationalism and cross-border business.

This is an opportunity to engage in insightful discussions, network with industry leaders, and explore the latest trends in literature and publishing with experts from across the globe.

Tickets for this event are All Day Passes that provide access to all three panels and the networking reception.

11:15 am – 11:45 am Registration and Welcome Coffee 

Kick off the day with registration and a welcome coffee, providing a chance to meet fellow attendees and start networking early.  

11.30 Welcome Address 

 Jenny Niven, CEO and Festival Director, will open the event with a welcome address.

11:45 –13:00  Panel 1: International Literary Summit 2024: Trends in Global Literature: What’s Next?

Join us for this enlightening panel discussion where literary experts and Festival Directors from across the globe will explore the emerging trends shaping the world of literature today. This event will delve into the rise of new genres, the evolution of themes that resonate across cultures, and the profound impact of societal and cultural shifts on the literary landscape. 

Discover the future directions of global literature and gain insights into how these trends will influence readers, writers, and the publishing industry worldwide. Whether you're an author, publisher, editor, or a passionate reader, this discussion will provide valuable perspectives on the dynamic and ever-evolving world of literature. Chaired by Yassmin Abdel-Magied.

Run in partnership with the Global Association of Literary Festivals (GAoLF)


Zoe Xie - Independent Literary Arts Curator and Agent, China

Douglas Resende - Institutional Relations Coordinator, City Hall of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rosemarie Milsom - Director, Newcastle Writers Festival, Australia

Anja Bengelstorff - Director, Macondo Literary Festival, Kenya


13:00 – 14:00  - LUNCH

Enjoy a bite to eat from the choice of eateries available on the Book Festival site. Refer to our brochure and website for more details. 

14:00 – 15:15 Panel 2: From Page to Global Stage: Literature in Translation  

Discover the fascinating journey of bringing translated books to the global market, from initial translation to international success. Leading experts will delve into two distinct aspects of the industry: placing English books in foreign-language markets and publishing translations in the UK. 

Korean writer and Booker International shortlisted translator Anton Hur will be joined by Andrea Joyce, Rights Director for Jenny Brown Associates, and Sam McDowell, an Edinburgh-based publisher specialising in translating contemporary Latin American fiction into English with Charco Press. Together, they will uncover the journey of translated works and share their insights on enhancing this sector, addressing current challenges, and exploring barriers to the wider proliferation of translated literature. Chaired by Daniel Hahn.


Anton Hur - Translator, and Author

Andrea Joyce - Rights Agent, Joyce Literary Rights Agency

Sam McDowell - Publisher, Charco Press 


The Translation Pavilion - in partnership with Publishing Scotland and Waterstones

Browse our Translation Pavilion – a dedicated display showcasing literature in translation. Discover Scottish authors and current UK titles published in a variety of languages alongside English translations of both established and debut international writers.

A selection of copies will be available to purchase.  For more information speak to our Waterstones Bookshop team.

Publishing Scotland will be available to share information about translation opportunities, including Publishing Scotland’s Translation Grant, a joint initiative with Creative Scotland.

16:00 - BREAK

Time for a breather to enjoy the broader Edinburgh International Book Festival or browse our Festival Bookshop, located in the Courtyard.

17:15 – 18:30 Panel 3: Connecting Cultures: The Power of International Literary Partnerships 

Discover the significance and impact of international collaborations in the literary world. This panel will spotlight organisations and authors in both Scotland and the rest of the UK involved in international partnerships, emphasising strategies for fostering cross-cultural literary projects. 

Hear more about the opportunities and rationale for literary organisations and writers to work internationally, hear inspiring stories of successful collaborations and perspectives on how we balance global engagement with environmental responsibility. Chaired by Jenny Niven


Rachel Humphries - Centre Director, Moniack Mhor 

Sharmilla Beezmohun - Co-founder, Speaking Volumes Live Literature Productions 

Kirsty Logan - Author 

Matt Beavers - Literature Programme Manager, British Council


18:30 – 20:00 - Global Ink Social – International Networking Reception

Venue: Room 2.55

Conclude the day with our Global Ink Social, a relaxed gathering to reflect on the day’s insights and network with fellow attendees over drinks.

Tickets for this event are All Day Passes that provide access to all three panels and the networking reception.

Categories: Language/Translation, Workshop/Masterclass

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