Adania Shibli: Against Forgetting

  • Sun 11 Aug 14:15 - 15:15
  • EFI Courtyard Theatre
  • Captioned
Attend in person
  • EFI Courtyard Theatre
  • £15.50 [concessions £13.50/£10.50]
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Adania Shibli: Against Forgetting
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Longlisted for the 2021 International Booker Prize, Minor Detail is a graceful yet haunting political novel about the Palestinian experience of dispossession and erasure. Intertwining narratives, it revolves around a brutal crime covered up during the War of 1948 and a nameless young woman obsessed with trying to unearth the truth. Author Adania Shibli talks to Esa Aldegheri.

Categories: Conflict and Resolution, Fiction

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