Everyone has a story to tell; through stories we can make sense of our world. Earlier this year writers Andrew O’Hagan, Eleanor Thom, Ryan Van Winkle, Mae Diansangu, Roseanne Watt, Bea Webster and Siân Bevan collaborated with community groups across the country to collect Scotland’s Stories Now. Now, we share the tales, poems, conversations and words from the people who took part. Come along and join us as Andrew O’Hagan and Siân Bevan take to the stage to read some of the extraordinary work created by the groups they worked with at HMP Kilmarnock and the Sick Kids Hospital, whilst Val McDermid plays the host.
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John Pilger
Tom Lanoye & James Yorkston (2016 Event)
Gavin Francis & Devi Sridhar: The Cost of Health
Matt Haig (2017 Event)
Selva Almada: Giving Voice to the Victims of Femicide
Ma Jian talks to André Naffis-Sahely at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Leah Broad: Singing Women’s Praises
Julian Aguon & Nina Mingya Powles: Making Environmental Politics Personal
Future Library Announcement: Future Writer, Future Readers
UNBOUND: Kristin Hersh