Olivia Laing: In Search of Eden
When Olivia Laing began to restore a walled garden in Suffolk, she also embarked upon an imaginative discovery of the pleasures and possibilities of gardens through the ages. The Garden Against Time explores their significance in Western culture, from Milton’s Paradise Lost to Derek Jarman’s Prospect Cottage. Hear leading critic and writer Laing (author of The Lonely City and Funny Weather) talking with J C Niala.
Olivia Laing will now be appearing remotely.
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Gavin Esler & Samir Puri: Brexit, Britain and the Legacy of Empire
Yanis Varoufakis with Shami Chakrabarti (2018 Event)
Reading Scotland: Jen Hadfield, Landscape and Light
Fernanda Melchor: Think Twice
Richard Holloway at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
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