Since stepping down as an MP in 2015, former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has continued to make significant interventions in British public life. In this event, filmed live at the 2021 Edinburgh International Book Festival, he discusses his latest book, Seven Ways to Change the World, in which he sets out his plan for creating a fairer and more equal society. Brown outlines seven major global problems we must address: global health; climate change; nuclear proliferation; financial instability; global poverty; the barriers to education and opportunity; and global inequality. Each one presents an immense challenge that requires an urgent global response and solution – something the past year has taught us is vital, but difficult to achieve. None can be solved by one nation acting on its own, but all can be addressed if we work together as a global community. Brown tells us why we must find a way to cooperate – and how it can be done – in a discussion with Jonathan Freedland.