Edward Wong: China Under the Lens
Diplomatic correspondent for the New York Times, Edward Wong covers foreign policy from Washington. In more than 24 years at the Times, he has reported from New York, Baghdad, Beijing, and Washington. Wong’s new account of the last century of change, The Edge of Empire, gives profound insight into a new authoritarian age transforming the world, from one of the most knowledgeable guides to China. Join him today for a fascinating conversation with chair, Mure Dickie.
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Jess Phillips (2017 Event)
Paul Lynch: Let Awake People Be Awake
Caroline Lucas: Reimagining England
John Pilger - pt2
Audrey Magee: Still Waters Run Deep
Joshua Wong: Hong Kong’s Champion for Democracy
Nick Drnaso: Drawing Inspiration
Sarah Crossan with Sally Magnusson: The Other Woman
Shifting Sands, Five Years On: What Future for the Middle East?
Max Hastings speaks with Magnus Linklater at the Edinburgh International Book Festival