David Reynolds (2015 Event)
Watch David Reynolds discuss his journey to discover whether the American Dream is keeping its sheen with Sheena McDonald. In Slow Road to Brownsville, Reynolds embarks on a fascinating road trip along 2,000 miles of Highway 83, a road that starts in Canada and cuts right through the heart of the United States, past Native American reservations and right to the border with Mexico.
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Bryan & Mary Talbot (2013 event)
James Kakalios (2013 event)
Sarah Crossan with Sally Magnusson: The Other Woman
Jura Unbound: Literary Death Match (2013 event)
Edwin Morgan: A Centenary Celebration of Scotland’s Great Poet
Women in Politics: A Year of Reckoning
George Monbiot
Alistair Moffat: Walking Scotland's History
George Alagiah speaks to Allan Little at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Joe Sacco and Chris Ware (2013 event)